Transport Planner

Transport Planner

​How to Enter

To enter a Transport Planner job in New Zealand, we recommend that you first complete a Bachelor of Engineering Technology, specialising in Civil Engineering – Roading and Transportation, or a Bachelor of Engineering, specialising in Traffic Planning and Highway Design.

Typical Responsibilities

The typical job responsibilities of a Transport Planner can include all or some of the following:

  • Liaising with customers, clients and management to identify new transportation needs
  • Planning new transportation networks
  • Using CAD to build models of proposed networks
  • Evaluating the impact of proposed transport developments on existing networks
  • Evaluating the environmental and economic impact of proposed developments
  • Supervising the construction and development of new transport networks
  • Training and managing other Engineers and Planners


Many Transport Planners decide to progress their careers by specialising further in Transportation Management and Planning within the Civil Infrastructure sector. However, in some cases, Transport Planners can also move into managerial and consultancy-based roles later in their careers.

Salary Range

40K – 95K per annum (NZD)

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